Simrandeep Singh AIR 34 UPSC CSE 2020 - Interview

3rd Attempt, from Mansa Punjab, Mech Engineer from ISM Dhanbad

Name: Simrandeep Singh
Rank in CSE-2020: 34

Roll No. 3523891

Age: 28 years
Marital Status: Unmarried
Total attempts in CSE (including this one): 3
Schooling Medium: English
College Medium: English
Medium chosen for Mains answers: English
Medium chosen for Interview: English
Home town/city: Mansa, Punjab
Work-experience if any – HPCL (5+ years, currently serving)

Tell us something about yourself
I started preparing for UPSC in 2018 while doing my job in a PSU. The monotonous work in PSU gave me a reason to switch to a better career opportunity through civil services
How did you prepare for the interview?
1. I read my graduation subject from GATE guide for Mechanical Engineering and covered any extra topics from internet based on previous transcripts available online.
2. I focussed more on preparing for my job related questions since I had an experience of five years and expected a lot of questions from this section
3. I revised my optional subject since my hobby was also linked to it.
4. Current affairs were covered from daily newspapers and other online articles.
How were mock interviews similar/different than your real UPSC interview? Did you attend any? Do you feel they are necessary?
I attended 3 mock interviews but the actual interview was more cordial. The mock interviews are more stressful and sometimes unnecessary focus on aspects like tone and pitch of speech are focussed upon. The mocks do help in getting some idea about DAF related questions to be prepared.
Where did you stay for the interview?
I stayed at my friend's room in ORN. My advise would be that candidates should reach a week ahead in Delhi and prepare the documents in advance to avoid last day rush.
What did you wear for the interview? What was your tryst with masks and corona protocol?
I wore a complete suit with tie. Covid protocol was followed as we wore mask and face shield. Chairperson asked to remove the face shield as soon as I entered.
Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or unexpected?
Yes, it was completely on expected lines without many surprises.
Was it a stress interview, did they ask any uncomfortable questions? If yes, how did you handle those?
The interview was very cordial. No such moment came during the interview when the members tried to form any stress. Moreover the Chairperson's briefing gives a sort of confidence for the interview
Any additional details about technicalities like documentation or procedure you would like to share.
The PSU employees should bring along the NOC issued by the department. Incase it is not available, undertaking regarding this subject is to be given at time of document verification. Have 10 photographs ready for interview as well medical checkup process.
Please share your medical checkup/ post interview experience?
Had my medical at GTB Hospital. The medical board there is strict and check up is done very diligently. Our medical was completed by 04:00 PM and we could deposit the medical attendance slip back at UPSC office by 05:00 PM.
Any message to candidates with profile insecurity/under-confidence?
Just be yourself, honest. Profile doesnot matter here. The only thing that matters is how you have a discussion with the panel for that half an hour. All the best.