UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 2 CSAT Solutions Q21-40

Directions for the following 4 (four) items:

Read the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passage only.

Passage – 1

Fig trees (genus Ficus) are considered sacred in India, East Asia and Africa and are common in agricultural and urban landscapes where other large trees are absent. In natural forests, fig trees provide food for wildlife when other resources are scarce and support a high density and diversity of frugivores (fruit-eating animals). If frugivorous birds and bats continue to visit to fig trees located in sites with high human disturbances, sacred fig trees may promote frugivore abundance. Under favourable microclimate, plenty of seedlings of other tree species would grow around fig trees.

Q 21. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumption have been made:

1. Fig trees can often be keystone species in natural forests.

2. Fig trees can grow where other large woody species cannot grow.

3. Sacred trees can have a role in biodiversity conservation.

4. Fig trees have a role in the seed dispersal of other tree species.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 2 and 4 only

(d) 1, 3 and 4 only

Ans. (d)


Fig trees can often be keystone species in natural forests due to the fact that they create microclimate. Hence, Statement 1 is correct.

The passage mentions Figs are common in agricultural and urban landscapes where other large trees are absent. But we can’t assume that other woody species don’t grow there. There might be different reasons other species are not there. Hence, statement 2 is not a correct choice.

The passage revolves around the idea that Sacred trees can have a role in biodiversity conservation.

The passage mentions that plenty of seedlings of other tree species are found to grow around fig trees due to the visit of frugivorous birds and bats. Hence, fig trees can have a role in the seed dispersal of the same. Hence, Statement 4 is correct.

Based on the above deductions, Option (d) is correct.

Passage – 2

At the heart of agroecology is the idea that agroecosystems should mimic the biodiversity levels and functioning of natural ecosystems. Such agricultural mimics, like their natural models, can be productive, pest-resistant, nutrient conserving, and resilient to shocks and stresses. In ecosystems there is no ‘waste’, nutrients are recycled indefinitely. Agroecology aims at closing nutrient loops, i.e., returning all nutrients that come out of the soil back to the soil such as through application of farmyard manure. It also harnesses natural processes to control pests and build soil fertility i.e., through intercropping. Agroecological practices include integrating trees with livestock and crops.

Q 22. Consider the following:

1. Cover crops

2. Fertigation

3. Hydroponics

4. Mixed farming

5. Polyculture

6. Vertical farming

Which of the above farming practices can be compatible with agroecology, as implied by the passage?

(a) 1, 4 and 5 only

(b) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 6 only

(d) 4 and 6 only

Ans 22- (a)


Option (a) is correct: The passage mentions that the farming practices compatible with agroecology include the integration of trees with livestock and crops. This boils down to practices of Cover cropping, Mixed farming, and PolyCulture.

Option (b) is incorrect: The farming practices of Fertigation and Hydroponics are artificial methods and are not compatible with agroecological systems mentioned in the passage.

Hence, these can be eliminated.

Option (c) is incorrect: Applying based on the above argument, this option can be eliminated too.

Option (d) is incorrect: The passage mentions agroecology aiming at closing nutrient loops which means returning nutrients that come out of soil back to the soil. Vertical farming akin to hydroponics is soil-less farming and hence not compatible with agroecology.

Passage – 3

Computers increasingly deal not just with abstract data like credit card details and databases, but also with the real world of physical objects and vulnerable human bodies. A modern car is a computer on wheels; an aeroplane is a computer on wings. The arrival of the “Internet of Things” will see computers baked into everything from road signs and MRI scanners to prosthetics and insulin pumps. There is little evidence that these gadgets will be any more trustworthy than their desktop counterparts. Hackers have already proved that they can take remote control of internet connected cars and pacemakers.

23. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most critical inference that can be made from the passage given above?

(a) Computers are not completely safe.

(b) Companies producing the software do not take cyber security seriously.

(c) Stringent data security laws are needed.

(d) The present trend of communication technologies will affect our lives in future.

Ans. (d)


Statement 1 is incorrect: This is a general statement and does not reflect to be the most critical inference.

Statement 2 is incorrect: Companies actions or thoughts are beyond the purview of this passage.

Statement 3 is incorrect: farfetched.

Statement 4 is correct: The passage takes a futuristic outlook with “ increasingly”, “The arrival of”, etc. Author also highlights the threat of trend towards computers in everything which will be connected by internet and thus exposing them to hacking.

Passage – 4

A social and physical environment riddled with poverty, inequities, unhygienic and insanitary conditions generates the risk of infectious diseases. Hygiene has different levels : personal, domestic and community hygiene. There is no doubt that personal cleanliness brings down the rate of infectious diseases. But the entry of the market into this domain has created a false sense of security that gets conditioned and reinforced by the onslaught of advertisements. Experience in Western Europe shows that along with personal hygiene, general improvements in environmental conditions and components like clean water, sanitation and food security have brought down infant/child death/infections rates considerably. The obsession with hand hygiene also brings in the persisting influence of the market on personal health, overriding or marginalizing the negative impact on ecology and the emergence of resistant germs.

Q 24. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made:

1. People who are obsessed with personal hygiene tend to ignore the community hygiene.

2. Emergence of multi-drug resistant germs can be prevented by personal cleanliness.

3. Entry of the market in the domain of hygiene increases the risk of infectious diseases.

4. Scientific and micro-level interventions are not sufficient to bring down the burden of infectious diseases.

5. It is community hygiene implemented through public health measures that is really effective in the battle against infectious diseases.

Which of the above assumptions are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 and 4 only

(c) 4 and 5 only

(d) 1, 2 and 4 only

Ans. (c)


Statement 1 is an extreme statement and the passage does not establish the fact that the people obsessed with personal hygiene tend to ignore community hygiene. Further, there is no mention of multi-drug resistant germs rather resistant germs which cannot be prevented from just personal hygiene. Thus Statement 2 stands an invalid assumption.

It can be inferred from the passage that personal hygiene undoubtedly reduces the rate of infectious diseases. Further, the entry of the market in this domain has created a false sense of security; it cannot be established that it increases the risk of infectious diseases per se. Hence, statement 3 stands as an invalid assumption.

Experiences from western Europe have established the direct role of community hygiene through public measures effective in reducing infectious diseases and death rates. Hence Statement 5 stands a valid assumption. Scientific and micro-level interventions referring to personal and domestic hygiene not sufficient to bring down the burden of diseases can be directly inferred from the essence of the passage. Thus statement 4 stands a valid assumption.

Based on the above deductions, statements 1 and 2 stand eliminated leading to this option being incorrect though statement 4 stands as a valid assumption.

Option (c) is correct

Q 25. A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the Statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read all Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the Statement, disregarding the commonly known facts.

Statement: Some cats are almirahs. Some almirahs are chairs. All chairs are tables.

Conclusion-I: Certainly some almirahs are tables.

Conclusion-II: Some cats may not be chairs.

Which one of the following is correct?

(a) Only Conclusion-I

(b) Only Conclusion-II

(c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II

(d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II

Ans. (c)


Based on the statements, we can have these scenarios:

Case I :

Case II :

Conclusion-I : From both diagrams, we can conclude that “Some almirahs are tables” is defenitely true. Hence, Conclusion-I follows.

Conclusion-II : From both diagrams, we can say that “Some cats may not be chairs”. Hence, Conclusion-II also follows.

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q 26. A boy plays with a ball, and he drops if from a height of 1.5 m. Every time the ball hits the ground, it bounces back to attain a height 4/5th of the previous height. The ball does not bounce further if the previous height is less than 50 cm. What is the number of times the ball hits the ground before the ball stops bouncing?

(a) 4

(b) 5

(c) 6

(d) 7

Ans. (b)


Given Height = 1.5 m = 1.5 × 100 cm = 150 cm

When ball hits the ground for the 1st time, its height = (4/5) × 150 = 120 cm

When ball hits the ground for the 2nd time, its height = (4/5) × 120 = 96 cm

When ball hits the ground for the 3rd time, its height = (4/5) × 96 = 76.8 cm

When ball hist the ground for the 4th time, its height = (4/5) × 76.8 = 61.44 cm

When ball hits the ground for the 5th time, its height = (4/5) × 61.44 = 49.15 cm

Since, it is given that if the previous height is less than 50 cm, the ball does not bounce further. So we can say that after the ball hits the ground for the 5th time, it doesn’t bounce back.

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

27. Images of consonants of the English alphabet (Capitals) are observed in a mirror. What is the number of images of these which do not look like their original shapes?

(a) 13

(b) 14

(c) 15

(d) 16

Ans. (b)


All the consonents of the english alphabet are:

B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K , L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z

So. there are a total of 21 consonents.

The number of consonents whose images look like them are:

H, M, T, V, W, X and Y

Therefore, there are a total of 7 such consonents.

Hence, the number of consonents whose images do not look like them = 21 – 7 = 14

Q 28. A bank employee drives 10 km towards South from her house and turns to her left and drives another 20 km. She again turns left and drives 40 km, then she turns to her right and drives for another 5 km. She again turns to her right and drives another 30 km to reach her bank where she works. What is the shortest distance between her bank and her house?

(a) 20 km

(b) 25 km

(c) 30 km

(d) 35 km

Ans. (b)


The route taken by the bank employee has been depicted below:

From the diagram, the shortest distance between her house and her bank is 25 km.

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q 29. Integers are listed from 700 to 1000. In how many integers is the sum of the digits 10?

(a) 6

(b) 7

(c) 8

(d) 9

Ans. (d)


Here we have to find out all the integers between 700 to 1000, in which sum of the digits is 10, e.g. 703 ⟶ 7 + 0 + 3 = 10

These numbers have been listed below:

703, 712, 721, 730, 802, 811, 820, 901 and 910

Hence, there are 9 such integers in which the sum of the digits is 10.

Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Q 30. A woman runs 12 km towards her North, then 6 km towards her South and then 8 km towards her East. In which direction is she from her starting point?

(a) An angle less than 45o South of East

(b) An angle less than 45o North of East

(c) An angle more than 45o South of East

(d) An angle more than 45o North of East

Ans. (b)


The path taken by the woman has been depicted below:

We know that, the angle opposite to the larger side is always greater.

Therefore, by looking at the diagram we can conclude that the woman must be “At an angle less than 45° North of East”.

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Directions for the following 4 (four) items :

Read the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passage only.

Passage – 1

Researchers simulated street lighting on artificial grassland plots containing pea-aphids, sap-sucking insects, at night. These were exposed to two different types of light – a white light similar to newer commercial LED lights and an amber light similar to sodium street lamps. The low intensity amber light was shown to inhibit, rather than induce, flowering in a wild plant of the pea family which is a source of food for the pea-aphids in grasslands. The number of aphids was also significantly suppressed under the light treatment due to the limited amount of food available.

Q 31. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most critical inference that can be made from the passage given above?

(a) Low intensity light has more adverse effect on the plants as compared to high intensity light.

(b) Light pollution can have a permanent adverse impact on an ecosystem.

(c) White light is better for the flowering of plants as compare to the light of other colours.

(d) Proper intensity of light in an ecosystem is important not only for plants but for animals too.

Ans. (d)


Statement 1 is incorrect: The passage mentions that low-intensity light inhibits the flowering of a wildflower. However, it cannot be inferred that Low-intensity light has more adverse effects vis-vis High-intensity light.

Statement 2 is incorrect: This is an extreme statement and it cannot be inferred from the passage that light pollution can have permanent adverse effects on the ecosystem. Further, light pollution is not explicitly mentioned in the passage, so cannot be inferred.

Statement 3 is incorrect: The passage does not mention that white color is good for the flowering of the plants. With this information, we cannot sufficiently infer that White light is better for the flowering of the plants vis-a-vis all the other lights of all the other colors.

Statement 4 is correct: The passage mentions that low-intensity light inhibits the flowering of plants. Further, it highlights that the number of aphids was also significantly suppressed under the light treatment due to the limited amount of food available. So, it can be inferred from the passage that the proper intensity of light in an ecosystem is important not only for plants(for flowering) but also for animals like aphids.

Passage – 2

Approximately 80 percent of all flowering plant species are pollinated by animals, including birds and mammals, but the main pollinators are insects. Pollination is responsible for providing us with a wide variety of food, as well as many plant-derived medicines. At least one-third of the world’s agricultural crops depend upon pollination. Bees are the most dominant taxa when it comes to pollination and they are crucial to more than four hundred crops. Pollination is an essential service that is the result of intricate relationship between plants and animals, and the reduction or less of either affects the survival of both. Effective pollination requires resources, such as refuges of pristine natural vegetation.

Q 32. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made:

1. Sustainable production of India’s cereal food grains is impossible without the diversity of pollinating animals.

2. Monoculture of horticultural crops hampers the survival of insects.

3. Pollinators become scarce in cultivated areas devoid of natural vegetation.

4. Diversity in insects induces diversity of plants.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2, 3 and 4 only

(c) 1 and 2 only

(d) 3 and 4 only

Ans. (d)


Statement 1 is incorrect: It is an extreme statement. Though the diversity of pollinating animals is important for the Sustainable production of India's cereal food grains and can be a valid assumption from the passage the word impossible is making this statement incorrect.

Statement 2 is incorrect: It cannot be explicitly assumed from the passage that the Monoculture of horticultural crops hampers the survival of insects. Also, the passage does not talk about hampering agricultural diversity due to monoculture practices leading to a reduction in pollinators.

Statement 3 is correct: From the following lines of the passage " Pollination is an essential service that is the result of an intricate relationship between plants and animals, and the reduction or loss of either affects the survival of both. Effective pollination requires resources, such as refuges of pristine natural vegetation" it can be assumed that the pollinators become scarce in cultivated areas devoid of natural vegetation.

Statement 4 is correct: From the following lines of the passage " Pollination is an essential service that is the result of an intricate relationship between plants and animals, and the reduction or loss of either affects the survival of both", it can be assumed that diversity in insects induces diversity of plants.

Passage – 3

A study conducted on the impacts of climate change over the Cauvery basin of Tamil Nadu using regional climate models showed an increasing trend for maximum and minimum temperatures, and a decrease in the number of rainy days. These climatic shifts will have an impact on the hydrological cycles in the region, lead to more run-off and less recharge, and affect the groundwater tables. Further, there has been an increase in the frequency of droughts in the State. This has driven farmers to increase dependency on groundwater resources to secure their crops.

Q 33. Which one of the following statements best reflects the crux of the passage given above?

(a) Development of regional climate models helps in choosing climate-smart agricultural practices.

(b) Heavy dependence on groundwater resources can be reduced by adopting dry-land cropping systems.

(c) Climate changes increase the criticality of water resources while simultaneously threatening it.

(d) Climate changes cause the farmers to adopt unsustainable livelihoods and risky coping strategies.

Ans. (c)


Statement 1 is incorrect: It is not the main crux of the passage. The passage does not mention anything about climate-smart agricultural practices.

Statement 2 is incorrect: This is also not the main crux of the passage. Though it mentions the heavy dependence on groundwater resources by the farmers due to the impact of climate change, it doesn't talk about the use of sustainable agriculture practices or adopting dry-land cropping systems.

Statement 3 is Correct: This is the main crux of the passage. From the following lines of the passage " These climatic shifts will have an impact on the hydrological cycles in the region, lead to more run-off and less recharge, and affect the groundwater tables.", it can be stated that the climate changes increase the criticality of water resources while simultaneously threatening it is the main crux of the passage.

Statement 4 is incorrect: This is also not the crux of the passage, as it does not explicitly talk about adopting unsustainable livelihoods and risky coping strategies by the farmers.

Passage – 4

Researchers were able to use stem cells to gauge the neurotoxic effects of the environmental pollutants Bisphenol A (BPA). They used a combination of biochemical and cell-based assays to examines the gene expression profile during the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells upon treatment with BPA, a compound known to cause heart diseases, diabetes, and developmental abnormalities in humans. They were able to detect and measure BPA toxicity towards the proper specification of primary germ layers, such as endoderm and ectoderm, and the establishment of neural progenitor cells.

Q 34. On the basis of the passage given above, the following assumptions have been made:

1. BPA may alter embryonic development in vivo.

2. Biochemical and cell-based assays are useful in finding out treatments for pollution-induced diseases.

3. Embryonic stem cells could serve as a model to evaluate the physiological effects of environmental pollutants.

Which of the above assumptions are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (d)


Using negation test, all are found to be valid choices. To know more about negation test, visit –

Alternate Soln. (proposed by students)

Statement 1 is correct. It can be assumed from the passage that the Bisphenol A (BPA) may alter embryonic development in vivo from the line " mouse embryonic stem cells upon treatment with BPA, a compound known to cause heart diseases, diabetes, and developmental abnormalities in humans".

Statement 2 is correct. It is because biochemical and cell-based assays ‘help in the examination of the gene expression profile during the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells upon treatment with BPA’.

Statement 3 is correct. It can be assumed from the passage that Embryonic stem cells could serve as a model to evaluate the physiological effects of environmental pollutants.

Hence Option (d) is correct.

Q 35. If 32019 is divided by 10, then what is the remainder?

(a) 1

(b) 3

(c) 7

(d) 9

Ans. (c)


This question is based on cyclicity of powers. This is a common topic

It’s given that: 32019 is divided by 10.

Now, 31 = 3

32 = 9

33 = 27

34 = 81

35 = 243

36 = 729

Since, unit place of the power of 3 repeats after every 4 steps (i.e. it has a cyclicity of 4).

Now, on dividing 2019 by 4 we get a remainder of 3.

Hence, 32019 will have the same last digit as that of 33, i.e. 7.

(33)/10 = 27/10

Hence, the remainder will be 7.

Q 36. The number 3798125P369 is divisible by 7. What is the value of the digit P?

(a) 1

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 9

Ans. (b)


Put each option and test with divisibility test of 7

Alternate Soln. (proposed by students)

Given: 3798125P369 is divisible by 7

Let’s express the given number in terms of triplets of digits, starting from the right, as follows.

(37) (981) (25P) (369)

Now, 369 – 25P + 981 – 37 = 1350 – 25P – 37 = 1313 – 25P

By dividing 1313 by 7 we get 4 as remainder.

25P in the above equation should be in between 250 to 259. Now, 252 and 259 are divisible by 7. So, the number must be 252 + 4 = 256. Hence, value of P = 6

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q 37. From January 1, 2021, the price of petrol (in Rupees per litre) on mth day of the year is 80 + 0.1m, where m = 1, 2, 3, …, 100 and thereafter remains constant. On the other hand, the price of diesel (in Rupees per litre) on nth day of 2021 is 69 + 0.15n for any n. On which date in the year 2021 are the prices of these two fuels equal?

(a) 21st May

(b) 20th May

(c) 19th May

(d) 18th May

Ans. (b)


Price of the diesel on nth day of the year = 69 + 0.15n

Price of the petrol on mth day of the year = 80 + 0.1m

Where m = 1 to 100. After which it remains constant.

∴ Price of the petrol on and after 100th day = 80 + 0.1 × 100 = 80 + 10 = Rs. 90

This is the highest price of petrol while lowest is 80. So, prices meet between range of 80 to 90.

Price of the diesel on 21st May = 69 + 0.15 × 141 = 90.15 (31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 21 = 141 days)

Price of the diesel on 20th May = 69 + 0.15 × 140 = 90

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q 38. A biology class at high school predicted that a local population of animals will double in size every 12 years. The population at the beginning of the year 2021 was estimated to be 50 animals. If P represents the population after n years, then which one of the following equations represents the model of the class for the population?

(a) P = 12 + 50n

(b) P = 50 + 12n

(c) P = 50 (2)12n

(d) P = 50 (2)n/12

Ans. (d)


n is no. of years and P is Population.

Population is getting doubled every 12 years, so in n/12 years, P becomes 2P

and population in the year 2021 is 50 animals. So, after 12 years it will get doubled to 100 animals.

Now, let’s checking the options, we see only Option (d) as suitable.

P = 50 × 2n/12 = 50 × 212/12 = 50 × 2 = 100 animals.

For all other options, this value comes out to be above 100.

Q 39. In a class, 60% of students are from India and 50% of the students are girls. If 30% of the Indian students are girls, then what percentage of foreign students are boys?

(a) 45%

(b) 40%

(c) 30%

(d) 20%

Ans. (d)


Let total number of students in the class be 100.

Indian students = 60% of 100 = 60

So, foreign students = 100 – 60 = 40 students

Total number of girls students = 50% of 100 = 50

According to the question,

Total number of Indian girl students = 30% of 60 = 18 students

So, foreign girl students = 50 – 18 = 32

As total foreign students = 40

So, foreign boy students = 40 – 32 = 8

So, percentage of boys among foreign students = (8/40) × 100 = 20%

Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Q 40. A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the Statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read all Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the Statement, disregarding the commonly known facts.

Statement: Some radios are mobiles. All mobiles are computers. Some computers are watches.

Conclusion-I: Certainly some radios are watches.

Conclusion-II: Certainly some mobiles are watches.

Which one of the following is correct?

(a) Only Conclusion-I

(b) Only Conclusion-II

(c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II

(d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II

Ans. (d)


Based on the statements, we can have these scenarios:

By looking at the 1st diagram, we can conclude that Conclusion-I definitely does not follow.

By looking at the above diagrams, we can conclude that Conclusion-II also definitely does not follow.