Geography Class Plan
L1 - Geography as a Discipline
L2- The earth in the Solar System
L3- The Earth
L4- Motions of the Earth
L5- Globe Latitudes And Longitudes
L6- Inside Our Earth
L7- Interior of Earth
L8 - Geomorphic Process
L9- Our Changing Earth
L10- Landforms and their Evolution
L11- Distribution of Oceans And Continents
L12- Water
L13 - Water (oceans)
L14- Movements of Ocean Water
Polity Class Plan
L1- Diversity
L2- Introduction of Democracy
L3 - Democracy Outcomes And Challenges
L4- Government
L5 - The Sate Government
L6- Rural And Urban Administration
L7- Rural & Urban Livelihood
L8- Equality
L9- Gender Discrimination & Women Empowerment
L10- Media & Advertisement
L11- Markets
L13- Marginalization And Social Justice
L14- Executive
L15- Legislature
L16- Judiciary
L17- Panchayati Raj
L18- Parliament And The Law Making Procedure
L19- Understanding Criminal Justice System
L20- Constitutional Designs And Indian Constitution
L21- Constitutional Designs And Indian Constitution
L22- Elections
L23- Division of Powers
L24- Popular Struggles and Movements
L25- Political Parties
L26- Rights
L27- Social Justice
L28- Freedom
L29- Citizenship
L30- Nationalism
L31- Peace and Development
Ethics An Introduction | Ethics | UPSC 2023 | Yatharth IAS
Consequences of Ethics - Class 4
Applied Ethics | Ethics | UPSC 2023 | Yatharth IAS
Ancient History - Videos
Ancient History Class Plan
L1- Sources of History
L2- Stone Age
L3- Indus Valley Civilization
L4- Vedic Age
L5- Mahajanpads
L6- Buddhism & Jainism
L7- Mauryan Age
L8- Post Mauryan Age
L9- Gupta Age
Medieval History
Medival History Class Plan
L1- Blueprint Of Medieval History
L2- Introduction
L3- Early Medieval - 7500 to 1000 CE
L4- Rajputs & Foreign Invasions - 1000 to 1200 CE
L5- Delhi Sultanate
L6- Mughal Empire
L7- Society At That Time
L8- Later Mughals & Arrival of Europeans
Science & Tech
Art & Culture
Art & Culture Class Plan
L1- Blueprint of Art & Culture
L2- Introduction
L3- Indus Valley Civilization
L4- Mauryan Culture
L5- Post Mauryan Culture
L6- Cave Architecture
L7- Temple Architecture
L8- Medieval Architecture
L9- Mughal Architecture
L10- Modern Architecture
L11- Indian Paintings
Indian Architecture Sculpture and Pottery L-1 |Yatharth IAS|
Architecture in Modern India L-6 |Yatharth IAS|
Preview - UPSC CSE 1 year Foundation Course
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