Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-Economy

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Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-Economy 1. Which of the following are RBIs guidelines for universal bank licensing? 1. The requirement of Non-Operative Financial Holding Company (NOFHC) is mandatory for individual promoters. 2. Not more than 49% of the total paid-up equity capital of the N...

Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-Economy

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Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-Economy Q1.Consider the following statements regarding Open inflation: 1. Open inflation is the result of the uninterrupted operation of the market mechanism. 2. It reduces the prospect of anti-inflationary policy. Which of the above statements is/are correc...

Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-Polity

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Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-Polity Q1.Consider the following statements in the context of preventive detention as mentioned under the constitution of India: 1. Article 20 grants protection to persons who are arrested or detained 2. Preventive detention of a person cannot exceed three m...

Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-History

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Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-History Q1. Consider the following statements regarding Sthanakvas: 1. It is a sub-sect of the Digambara sect in Jainism. 2. They practice their religious duties in temples. 3. They do not believe in idol worship at all. Which of the above statements is/are ...

Daily Important Newspaper Articles - 25th September 2021

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Daily Important Newspaper Articles - 25th September 2021 1. 2.