UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 2 CSAT Solutions Q41-60 Directions for the following 3 (three) items: Passage-1 Medieval merchants risked the hazards of the Silk Road to reach the markets of China; Portuguese caravels in the 15th century sailed beyond the bounds of the known world, searching less for knowl...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 2 CSAT Solutions Q21-40 Passage – 1 Fig trees (genus ) are considered sacred in India, East Asia and Africa and are common in agricultural and urban landscapes where other large trees are absent. In natural forests, fig trees provide food for wildlife when other resources ar...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 2 CSAT Solutions Q1-20 Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your answer to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage – 1 With respect to what are called denomination of religion, if ev...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 2 CSAT Solutions Q 61 to 80 Passage-1 The best universities like Harvard and MIT, despite having the luxury of having some truly excellent teachers on their payroll, are increasingly embracing the "flipped classroom" format, where students listen to video lectures at home, a...