UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 2 CSAT Solutions Q 61 to 80 Passage-1 The best universities like Harvard and MIT, despite having the luxury of having some truly excellent teachers on their payroll, are increasingly embracing the "flipped classroom" format, where students listen to video lectures at home, a...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 1 Solutions Q81-100 81. How is permaculture farming different from conventional chemical farming? 1. Permaculture farming discourages monocultural practices but in conventional chemical farming, monocultural practices are predominant. 2. Conventional chemical farming can cau...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 1 Solutions Q61-80 61. Consider the following statements: 1. 'Right to the City' is an agreed human right and the UN-habitat monitors the commitments made by each country in this regard. 2. 'Right to the City' gives every occupant of the city the right to reclaim public spac...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 1 Solutions Q21-60 21. The money multiplier in an economy increases with which one of the following ? a. Increase in the Cash Reserve Ratio in the banks. b. Increase in the Statutory Liquidity ratio in the banks c. Increase in the banking habit of the people d. Increase in t...
UPSC CSP 2021 - GS Paper 1 Solutions Q11-20 11. With reference to Chausath Yogini Temple situated near Morena, consider the following statements: 1. It is a circular tempe built during the reign of Kachchhapaghata Dynasty. 2. It is the only circular temple built in India. 3. It was meant to promote ...