Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-History

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Most Important Question For Prelims 2021-History Q1. Consider the following statements regarding Sthanakvas: 1. It is a sub-sect of the Digambara sect in Jainism. 2. They practice their religious duties in temples. 3. They do not believe in idol worship at all. Which of the above statements is/are ...

Daily Important Newspaper Articles - 25th September 2021

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Daily Important Newspaper Articles - 25th September 2021 1. 2.

Shubham Singh - AIR 631 BA LLB Meerut UP Law Optional - UPSC Interview Personality test transcript

access_time 2021-09-25T05:59:52.019Z face Admin
Shubham Singh - AIR 631 - UPSC Interview Transcript BA LLB Meerut UP Law Optional Shubham singh 5904878 Optional- LAW BOARD- Sathyavathi maam Entered the room. Greeted the board. CM- read out DAF ALOUD 1- You graduated in 2017 so what you have been doing since. 2- Asked about the type of cases I wor...

Daily Current Affairs MCQs - 25th September

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Daily Current Affairs MCQs - 25th September Q1. With reference to quad, consider the following statements 1. It is a military alliance 2. It promises to provide 1 billion vaccine doses Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a)1 only (b) 2 only (c) 1&2 both (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Sol: (b) E...

Topper's Interview - Shubham Singh - AIR 631 BA LLB Meerut UP Law Optional

access_time 2021-09-24T18:39:45.993Z face Admin
Topper's Interview - Shubham Singh - Law Optional AIR 631 | BA LLB | Meerut UP Name Shubham Singh AIR in CSE 2020 631 Graduation Course BA LLB Optional Subject Law Hobbies CRICKET FOOTBALL VIDEO GAMES AND WORKING OUT Hometown Meerut Home state Uttar Pradesh UPSC Roll NO. 5904878 Tell us something ab...